Breach and Associated Families Ancestral Charts.
Here can be found all the ancestral charts associated with this blog. Use them to find your ancestors and which blog posts they appear on.
The Main Breach Ancestral Chart is first followed by all the other charts which appear on this blog.
G = Generation, A red 'G' followed by a number indicates that a person is of the main Breach generation, with the number indicating their place in the ancestral line.
AG = Associated Generation, AG numbers indicate those from unassociated families who have married a 'Breach'. AG followed by a number indicates their place in the ancestral line. They are colour coded to separate the different families. All AG numbers lie within AL (Associated Lines), as below.
AL = Associated Line, indicates a family of a different surname married into the main Breach line. AL followed by a number allows you to locate that family in the sidebar menu. They are colour coded to separate the different families.
BL = Branch Line, indicates a Breach family which branches off the main ancestral line. BL Followed by a number allows you to locate that family in the sidebar menu. They are colour coded to separate the different branches.
Breach Main Ancestral Chart
Other Trees
Associated and Branch line charts can be found below and on their relevant posts as indicated. Use the links with each chart to navigate to the posts.
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
For the people on this chart go to the post:
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